20 Fun Facts about Fish:

Facts about fishes? If you came here searching for this topic, so sit back and relax because you are in the right place. 

Fishes, from very long, are a thing that people are curious to learn about. So first of all, let us tell you that what fish actually is.
What fishes actually are?

Fishes are cold-blooded aquatic vertebrates (have a skeleton with a spine) that possess unique features such as gills and fins. 

A fish, mostly, also have features such as tail fin, lateral line, dorsal fin, scale pectoral fin, two-chambered heart and a pelvic fin. 

A blog at dkfindout best demonstrates the features of a fish.

Other than that, fish also is a streamlined body which allows it to swim rapidly. 

These vertebrates communicate in water by a phenomenon known as acoustic communication in which acoustic signals are transmitted, such as sound waves which work for humans.
When we talk about or even listen about fishes, the most important thing we can deduce are the gills and fins of a fish. So what are these and what is their role?
Gills and Fins:

Gills are a part of a fish which are primarily responsible for gaseous exchange. 

Very simply, as humans have nose, fishes have gills. The filaments present in the gills enhance its surface area, therefore the rate of gaseous exchange increases. 

Some fishes, such as shark, have multiple gills while some have only one gill.
Simply the function of fins is to allow fishes to swim. Fins located at different places around a fish allow different movements such as moving forward, turning right, turning left and even stopping.
Facts about Fish:
  • Catching fishes (fishing) is more than a $400 million business worldwide.
  • Without fish, molluscs cannot live.
  • There are more than 20,000 species of fish found worldwide, simply amazing and we are sure that you would have never got across all of these.
  • Some fishes have a spot on their tales. It confuses the predators that whether they are facing the fish from the front or back because the spot seems like eyes.
  • Fish have not the best eyesight, therefore bright and shiny lures get their attention.
  • Crocodile icefish do not use blood to transport oxygen, it absorbs oxygen directly from the water with the help of its skin.
  • Hanako, a named koi fish, lived for 225 years.
  • Scientists observation in 2015 proved that some fishes can even climb walls.
  • Goldfish has teeth at the back of its throat.
  • The seahorse is the one fish to have a neck.
  • Many fish engulf their complete food without breaking it down. Sharks crunch their food while using their teeth. 

Snapper break food into chunks with shaking and ripping it. An Octopus firstly bites its prey and then injects it with poison to anaesthetise it before consuming.

    • Fishes are very clever as well. Fish can learn how to use tools, build nests and outperform primates with their learning abilities.
    • Fishes have great memories. The memory has from very long underestimated but it’s finally been revealed that their long term memory can last for many months at least. 

    Perhaps the most splendid example of fishes memory is how, after several years, a salmon can follow her nose home. Interestingly, she remembers the specific smell of the stream in which she was taking birth. 

    Salmon will often battle strong currents, predators and even leap up waterfalls on this exhausting journey upstream,, action but it is a true fish fact.

      • The whale shark is the largest fish but is kind of harmless. This 65 feet and around 40-ton creature are docile. While shark hitch rides on their backs. 

      They are filter eaters, rather than biters, and feed on a diet of tiny plankton, small fishes, crustaceans and squid. They live to the age of about 70 unless humans harpoon them and grind them.

      • As fishes do not have eyelids, therefore they are incapable of blinking. Now the question arises that when fishes cannot blink, so do they sleep or not? 

      Their wide-open eyes notwithstanding, there is some evidence that does sleep or at least engage in restorative behaviour similar to human sleep, interesting isn’t it?

        • Some flatfish use the camouflage technique to hide on the ocean floor. 

        This phenomenon refers to the changing/adjusting to the colour of the surrounding environment, primarily due to the risk of being consumed by the predators.

          • Many fishes have a decent sense of taste, and taste buds or organs are located not only within their mouth cavities but also over their heads and various other parts of their body.  

          Catfishes, which often have poor vision, have barbels (“whiskers”) that serve as supplementary taste organs, those around the mouth being actively used to search out food on the bottom. 

          Some species of naturally blind cave fishes are especially well supplied with taste buds, which often cover most of their body surface.

            • Pain receptors and temperature receptors are present in fish, therefore they are capable of detecting temperature changes and can sense pain.
            • The Goliath tigerfish has 32 teeth that are similar to the teeth of the great white shark. It is known to attack humans and even crocodiles! 
            • The world’s smallest fish is paedocypris progenetica. Recently it was also the world’s smallest vertebrate but an even minute frog has been discovered. 

            This female fish is around 7.5mm. These are found in dark coloured water which has a pH of around 3. To understand this pH 3, you should understand that hydrochloric acid has a pH of around 3 and if unwontedly get’s active in our stomach, it has to make holes all around our body.

            With this topic, 20 Facts about Fish has ended. But wait, the article has not yet finished.
            Conclusion/ My opinion on the topic:

            To conclude, the topic of facts about fish is on a whole a very interesting topic to know. WG Blogs has presented to you a fully researched-based factual topic. We hope that the reason you came here is fulfilled. Let us know your views on the topic in the comment section below. To read more interesting topics, refer below:

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