What is meant by human behaviour?
Human behaviour, the potential and expressed capacity for physical, mental, and social activity during the phases of human life. 
It also refers to the range of behaviours exhibited by humans and which are influenced by culture, attitudes, emotions, values, ethics etc.
People have a variety of needs. Irrespective of one’s status, age, and achievements, one would still have some unfulfilled needs. In order to satisfy their unfulfilled needs more effectively, people have learned to organise themselves into groups. 
The process of organising facilitates an organisation in its specialisation efforts. It helps the employees to develop specialised skills and enhances the productivity and efficient functioning of the organisation. 
The organisational system consists of social, technical and economic elements which coordinate human and material resources to achieve various organisational objectives.

Theories regarding human behaviour:

  • This book is a work of psychology and philosophy. 
  • It explains why humans want to be remembered after death. Humans are the only animals conscious of their death. Becker bases this theory on the basic duality in human life. 
  • Humans live dual life between the real world of objects and an imagined world of meaning. We have two self, one who eats, sleep, and talk and the other who refuses to acknowledge death. Therefore we go through all the hardship so that another mortal remembers us.
  • It is, therefore, the effort of almost every individual to strive hard only in the need that they may be remembered after their departure from this world. However most people are not even cautious about this, they simply don’t care!
  • Psychoanalytic Theory of Personality Development states tells that personality is formed through conflicts among three fundamental structures of the human mind: the id, ego, and super-ego. 
  • It deals with the internal stages that humans go from,  in the process of personality development. 
  • Every child undergoes five stages that lead to the development of one’s personality. At each stage, there is a conflict between a child’s biological drives and social expectations. 
  • However successful navigation of these internal conflicts may result in the completion of each stage and may result in a fully mature personality.
  • Health Belief Model (HBM) came about to help understand why people did or did not use preventive services offered by public health departments in the 1950s. 
  • It has evolved to address newer concerns in prevention and detection (e.g., mammography screening, influenza vaccines) as well as personality and behaviours. The HBM states that people’s beliefs about whether or not they are at risk for a disease or health problem as well as their perceptions of the benefits of taking action to avoid it, influence their readiness to take action.

Types of human behaviour:

  • Cheerful /Confident: 20% of the people around the world possess this personality trait. 

These kinds of people stay hopeful in all situations and keep putting in the effort, no matter how hard circumstances get. Furthermore, these people can be negative in some situations.

  • Defeatists: These kinds of people always doubt people around them and are filled with negative thoughts. However, this makeup 20% of the list but may sometimes be optimistic. 
  • Trusting: These type of people believe in others and do not need a major reason to believe others. There may be circumstances when these people may not trust people.
  • Desirous /Envious: These type of people make 30% of this list. Nothing much can be said about them except that these may sometimes not be like that. Therefore look appropriately! 

Facts about human behaviour:

  • Although many of us would believe that whatever negative we have to say about others is correct and is not at all associated with our esteem or confidence. However, the fact is that when we humiliate others, it helps us restore our own self-confidence and esteem.
  • Many studies have shown that when a person knows that he is being watched, he behaves in a good manner. But the same person behaves completely different when he thinks no one is watching him.
  • Our gestures/postures automatically change as per our behaviour.  
  • On average, it takes 66 days to form a habit.
  • You might think that you are really good at paying attention in class, but the truth is that your attention span maxes out at around 10 minutes, even if it’s something that interests you.
  • It is sad but true that people who try to keep everyone happy often end up feeling the loneliest.
  • People who speak two languages may unconsciously shift their personalities when they switch from one language to another.
  • A joint study by Harvard University, Dartmouth College and the University of Aberdeen in Scotland found the parts of the brain that manage ‘task-unrelated thought’ (such as daydreaming) are almost always active when the brain is at rest, quite an obvious human behaviour, No? 
  • Attractive and honest appearances often mislead people.
  • The more complex the decision has to be made, the less likely is to allow them to make a decision. 
  • Lying requires a lot of mental effort, so you better don’t lie! 
  • People text faster to those they personally adore, do you as well?
  • People lying often tend to look at their left, so from now onwards you should not have trouble indicating the lies, thanks to WG Blogs for that! 
  • Do you know that injuries are significantly related to ignorance? This is as one someone is ignored the chemical released is the same when one is injured, an amazing human behaviour related fact!
  • Laziness is a common part of teenagers and has no relation with bad behaviour and irresponsibility, the studies suggest but you better be active! 
  • Some songs are continually played around one’s head. This is as those songs have some kind of related memory to that of the song.
  • Travel significantly increases mental health and at the same time reduces heart attack and depression risk.
  • Have you ever wondered why happy people are visible to you all the time? This is because happy and joyful people require less sleep.
  • People, who move in similar ways display better collective behaviour quite obvious human behaviour fact, isn’t it?
  • One’s clothes affect how he/she behaves! 
  • Overthinking about successful outcomes decrease a humans motivation to achieve it rather than increasing it.
  • People are often more productive in blue rooms. Blue helps reduce stress by lowering blood pressure and heart rates as the studies states. 
  • However, the darker tones of these colours can evoke feelings of sadness.
  • Humans are most creative at night but least creative in the afternoon. This is because the focus is actually harmful to the creative process. 
  • Focus limits our perception of a single idea, while creativity results when two ideas combine to create an entirely new idea. 
  • Odds are very good that, late at night, your focus is low, so your creativity is high.
  • When something bad happens, it’s common human behaviour to blame people even if they are not guilty but the situation and the circumstances. 
  • Humans read faster with longer lines but they prefer shorter lines to read and memorise. 
  • High-frequency music makes one feel calm, relaxed and cool.
  • It is a human trait and a very controversial fact that less the IQ of a person, the more sensibly he spends his money. But how? That remains a question! You may ask sir Jay Zagorsky who came up with this in 2007
  • It is a fact about human behaviour that after dying till your brain stops functioning, one plays in proper sequence all the precious memories.
  • People of different countries display different traits and behaviour, such as people of China, Pakistan and India are well known for their impressive behaviours.
  • People remember emotional pain more than physical pain which also affects their behaviour negatively.
  • Around 98% of the times happen that when someone says that they have to ask you a question, you remember all the previously wrong things done by you, it is hilarious but a true fact about human behaviour.
  • The people who give the best advice are likely the ones suffering the most problems.
  • The free-will and fate of humans can be thought of like a mix of determinism and non-determinism, and of free-will and fate.
Q: How proactive coping determines the quality of life and longevity?
Ans: I guess someone who is proactive is more likely to engage in problem focussed approaches to coping which can lead to better adjustment, unless of course, the source of the stressor is uncontrollable, and in which case an emotion focussed approach can be more adaptive – see work by Lazarus and colleagues. 
Proactivity is also most likely positively inter-related with constructs like self-efficacy and inversely inter-locked with constructs such as helplessness.
Q: What does human behaviour of adapting really means? 
ANS: It simply is the altering of one’s behaviour according to the circumstances. 
Definitely, these are not favourable at the start but with the passage of time, one gets use-to to these. This is adapting one’s behaviour. 
Q: Is too much instrumentation impairing human senses and eventually their behaviour? 
ANS: The ever-increasing spectrum of present instruments for scientific analyses has surely helped us in a deeper understanding of the subject, assisted us in drawing precise and flawless conclusions and finally has provided us with ample knowledge. 
Similarly, as human thinking style changes, their behaviour is also affected. 
Q: How can a human motivate himself through reinforcement?
ANS: According to behaviourists, the way to make progress is to reward ourselves for the little steps that take us closer and closer to our wanted outcomes. 
Firstly we need to, find something we really like to do or something we’d like to have that can be taken as a reward. Then we should take the goal that we are aiming to achieve that, but just haven’t succeeded at yet. 
Then work backwards from that aim and ambition to the present state. Arrange to give yourself those desired rewards as you inch closer from where you are now to the desired endpoint. As you start to make progress, only give yourself a reward when you’ve moved forward from where you are now. 
Q: How human behaviour can tackle pressure? 
ANS: Stress can contribute to health problems such as headaches, high blood pressure, heart problems, and skin conditions. Stress may also influence cognitive processes because it is associated with elevated levels of cortisol, a hormone that can influence brain functioning. So by relieving stress and all inward grief, one can tackle the compounding issue. 
Q: What is the meaning of social phenomenon on human behaviour?
Ans: It refers to an observed act and an event which shapes and regulates the future actions of an individual. 
Conclusion : 
To conclude, behaviour changes throughout an individual’s life, as they move through different stages of life. 
For example, adolescence, parenthood and retirement. Human behaviour is regulated by psychological traits. For instance, extroverted people are more likely to reserve people to participate in social activities. 
Personality traits vary from person to person and can produce different actions or and responses from each person. Social norms also impact behaviour. Due to the inherently conformist nature of human society in general, humans are pressured into following certain rules and displaying certain behaviours in society, which conditions the way people behave. 
Different behaviours are deemed to be either acceptable or unacceptable in different societies and cultures.
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