fascinating facts about snakes


Facts about snakes? If this is the topic you are looking for, then be confident that you are in the right place. 

So let’s start from the beginning:

What are Snakes?

Snake is a vertebrate that has scales on its body. 
Snakes have highly mobile (moving) jaws that allow them to swallow their prey comfortably. Similarly, some species of snakes have skulls as well.

Some snakes are nonvenomous while some have venom to kill their prey.

Moreover, the skeleton of the snake comprises the vertebral column, rear limbs, ribs, hyoid, and various other parts as well.

Snakes are classified as reptiles and they have a three-chambered heart for blood circulation in their body (humans have double circulation!)

A snake does not have a diaphragm (a thin skeletal muscle that rests at the bottom of the chest) and therefore, the heart in the snake is also movable.

This allows the consumed animal to move down the body of the snake easily.

Now when you know the basics about a snake, let’s move into some types of snakes:

Some types of Snakes:

Rattlesnake: It is a venomous snake and its scientific name is Crotalus

This type is found in America, Southern British, Columbia, and Argentina

Rattlesnakes are those predators that attack small animals such as birds and others. 

Moreover, it is to note that the rattlesnake does not attack unless it is threatened or provoked. Similarly, if the bite is not treated, then it can prove dangerous.

The rattlesnake can survive below freezing point but the optimum temperature is 26 to 32 degrees Celcius. 

The gastric fluids (fluid found in the stomach) in rattlesnakes are very strong and therefore, the prey can be digested easily. 

Just like the human eye, rattlesnakes have rod and cone cells to sense light and colours.

In the same way, their sense of smell is very strong. 

Now here is an interesting fact. Every year 60007000 people experience a bite from the rattlesnake. The chance of surviving is 99%

The common symptoms include anxiety, swollen abdomens, vomiting, and even heart failure. 

Copperhead Snakes: These are extensively found in North America. Although their venom is mild it can be fatal for humans if it is not treated in a timely manner. 

Copperhead snake has heatsensory pits to sense minimal changes in temperature. This also allows them to sense their prey.

The average length is 2 to 3 feet. The females are generally longer than males but the tail of the male is larger than that of the female. 

Simple, isn’t it? 

Furthermore, the pattern on their body consists of different colours. The younger have greenish-yellow tails while the elder has brownish tails. 

The technique that these snakes use to detect their prey is, “sit-and-wait-ambush“. 

Now here is something interesting. When the copperhead snake is touched, it releases a fluid that smells like cucumber

Eastern Coral Snake: The scientific name is Micrurus fulvius

It is a reptile and its diet mostly consists of carnivores. Moreover, the average life span of this snake is up to 7 years. 

Talking about its venom, there usually is no pain or bruise at the site of the bite. The symptoms can be treated within a day.

But, if the venom is not treated, then it can lead to slurred speech, blurred vision and disrupt functions of the body. 

They can be found in woody, sandy and marshy areas of Southeastern America

They eat lizards, smaller snakes, and even frogs. 

Black Mamba: When talking about snakes, Black Mamba is always a topic for discussion.

It is the fastest and the deadliest snake. Even two drops of its venom can kill a person. 

It can be very aggressive if threatened. 

Talking about the characteristic of the black mamba, it is brownish in colour. A Black Mamba has a coffinshaped head.

The average length is 8 feet but, they can grow up to 14 feet as well. Moreover, their average life span is 11 years. 

These are usually present in lowland forests and rocky areas and they can lay from 6 up to 20 eggs.

Their diet consists of small mammals and birds. 

The venom of the Black Mamba attacks the nervous system and the heart of the person. 

Viper: This is also a venomous snake and eats small animals.

Some characteristics of the viper snake are that it has a pair of long and hollow, venom injecting fangs. Unlike humans, they have movable upper jaw. 

These snakes vary in length from 25 cm to 3 m. 

They can be found in deserts and rainforests. Vipers are not very fast. They are stocky and slow. 

It is to note that the vipers also have heat-sensing pits that allow them to detect their prey.

The venom of the vipers can be dangerous if it is not treated. 

Now let’s talk about some interesting facts about snakes:

Facts about Snakes
Yellow Reptile (Cobra).

Facts about Snakes: 

The separated head of a snake can bite even after some hours of its death. The amount of venom is large in this case.

➔ Snakes are present in every part of the world such as China, Pakistan etc) except the North and the South Pole, New Zealand, Ireland and Iceland

➔ The warmer the body of the snake, the faster it can digest its prey. This is because the enzyme activity speeds up.

Generally, 2 to 3 days are enough for a snake to digest its prey. However, larger snakes may take a longer time.

➔ The snakes try to make themselves as dirty as possible. This is because they want their predators to run away from them.

➔ The skin, bones and muscles carry vibrations to the inner ear so that the snake can sense the sounds.

This is because the snakes do not have any external ear or eardrum.

➔ The reason that snake can eat very big organisms is that it can open its mouth up to 150 degrees. Something interesting is that a snake can even burst after eating its prey.

Moreover, snakes use their tongue to smell!

The largest snake in the world is present in Brazil, Chile and Peru and it is believed that this snake is 60 years old. 

➔ The scales on the body of the snake are made up of a substance known as Keratin. It is the same substance that is found in the nails and the hairs of humans.

Snakes sleep with their eyes open. They do not have eyelids.

Instead, they have special material to protect their eyes. This is transparent. 

➔ It is a bit hilarious but true that some snakes have mistakenly killed themselves with their own venom. 

➔ What are snakes afraid of? Well, snakes fear those animals that are immune to their venom. 

These include mongooses honey badger, and even certain species of birds. 

➔ Snakes rely on their sense of smell. The sense receptors make them hate smells of strong odour such as those from clove essential oils and cinnamon. 

➔ It is known that there are 3600 species of snakes in the world. Around 375 are venomous snakes and only some have venom that can prove fatal.

The non-venomous snakes use the technique of constriction to kill their prey.

In this, the snake tightly grips its prey, until the suffocation leads to its death. 

➔ Do you know that snakes have memory? Snakes do not like to be touched. 

It is a simple formula that snakes feel uncomfortable while being petted!

Snakes never cry. Being reptiles, they can produce tears but the tears do not overflow their eyes, therefore snakes do not cry. 

➔ Snakes have special glands and teeth to inject venom into their prey. 

Surprisingly, snakes have no idea that they are injecting venom. All they know is that when they bite, their prey stops moving and they can eat it.

➔ The nonvenomous snake uses the technique of constriction.

Some venomous snakes also use this method but it is mostly used by nonvenomous snakes. The prey is squeezed until it suffocates to death.

➔ The rubbing of the scales by the viper is its defence mechanism. 


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