Little Known Facts About Ancient History : 
“History… is an aggregation of truths, half-truths, semi-truths, fables, myths, rumours, prejudices, personal narratives, gossip, and official prevarications. It is a canvas upon which thousands of artists throughout the ages have splashed their conceptions and interpretations of a day and an era. Some motifs are grotesque and some are magnificent.”—Philip D. Jordan.
  • Underwater City: At the bottom of China’s Fuxian Lake lie the remains of an ancient city that covered an area of 2.4-2.7 square km and is estimated to be around 1,750 years old. The city might have been part of the lost Dian Kingdom, which was an advanced civilization that mysteriously disappeared after 86 BC. There are many theories about how it ended up at the bottom of the lake, including earthquake, but until more of the area is properly explored, we may never truly know what happened.
  • Shopping malls were invented in Rome. The first-ever shopping mall was built by the Emperor Trajan in Rome itself. It consisted of several stories and more than 150 outlets that sold everything ranging from food and drink to clothes and spices. It is also known as Trajan’s market and it’s essentially the world’s first “modernized” mall, at least in terms of the concept.
  • According to the ancient Greek historian Herodotus, the ancient Persians had a ritual of intoxication that requires one to get drunk on wine after making a decision. The purpose of this ritual was to ascertain the usefulness of a decision. Since they believed that you could only tell the truth when you are drunk, they would drink quite a lot of wine after deciding and if their minds still felt the decision was right then it is considered the right decision.
Slaves were not adjacent in the building of pyramids. These ancient construction workers were a mix of skilled artisans and temporary hands, and some appear to have taken great pride in their craft. The idea that slaves built the pyramids at the crack of a whip was first conjured by the Greek historian Herodotus in the fifth century B.C., but most historians now dismiss it as myth. In fact, it is still not widely known. 
  • Talking about the ancient history of Egypt, ancient Egypt’s doctors only focused on curing one part of the body. 
  • The ancient sword of Goujian – despite being buried from two millennia is secured and absolutely preserved even till today. 
  • Toothpaste was invented by ancient Egyptians. 
  • The Worlds first University was established in 700BC. More than 10,500 students from across the world fame to the university which contained almost 60 subjects. It was the university of Nalanda. 
  • In Ancient Greece, the word ‘idiot’ referred to all those who were not included in politics. 
  • Ancient astronomers studied Mercury 5000 years ago. 
  • Ancient Romans celebrated a festival where masters and servants changed their places. 
  • Anciently Barbarians were those people who didn’t speak Greek. However, it’s a surprise, how wrongly this term is being used Worldwide. 
  • The ancient Egyptians used almost three different writing systems! 
  • Urine was used as a teeth whitener by the Romans. It was commonly also used as a toothpaste. 
  • Ancient Egypt’s felt that is was mandatory to have a record of communicative information. Hence they invented written scripts. 
  • Ancient Egyptians used wooden pillows and pillows of sand for a variety of purposes. Firstly for them, it served as a stride against evil spirits and demons, uphold body vigour and to supports corpse head. 
  • Bear in the ancient time was (usually by Egyptians) a main source of nutrition as it was consumed every day. 
  • The camel was not used regularly in Egypt until the very end of the dynastic age. Instead, the Egyptians used donkeys as beasts of burden, and boats as a highly convenient means of transport.
  • In Egypt, men and women of equivalent social status were treated as equals in the eyes of the law. 
  • This meant that women could own, earn, buy, sell and inherit property. They could live unprotected by male guardians and, if widowed or divorced, could raise their own children. 
They could bring cases before, and be punished by, the law courts. And they were expected to deputise for an absent husband in matters of business. 
Egyptian women did not typically work outside the home, but those who did usually received equal pay for doing the same jobs as men. Unlike the women of ancient Greece, who were effectively owned by their husbands, Egyptian women also had the right to divorce and remarry. 
Egyptian couples were even known to negotiate an ancient prenuptial agreement. These contracts listed all the property and wealth the woman had brought into the marriage and guaranteed that she would be compensated for it in the event of a divorce.

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